Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Run Fat Boy

In this day and age, taking care of your health is important.

LA is an image-conscious town, but, on the real, hitting the gym and keeping the weight off is a "good look" for your life in general.

Both Yeyo and I have been on some different missions lately to lose weight. Yeyo uses fasting and nutrition to stave off the pounds, while I use an exercise routine at the gym, courtesy of No bullsh*t.

RUN FAT BOY (Exercise Planner)

I was already going to the gym, but I felt like I wasn't getting results, and I couldn't afford to hire a personal trainer. I heard about this site and decided to give it a try.

It's basically a calendar, with a food tracker, and an attached journal. The computer asks you basic life questions to gauge your fitness, and then spits out an exercise routine.

If you have already done some of these exercises, you know what weight is too much or too little for you to lift. You simply click "too easy" or "too hard" next to that exercise, and the program updates it for you.

Also built into every exercise is a Google video clip showing you how to do it, so you don't hurt yourself. It's really helpful, because I get Tricep Pulldowns mixed up with Pushdowns or Tricep Extensions. The short vids help sort me out, and keep me from fuckin up the Spacesuit.

The food tracker is child-simple, and if you want to share your experiences, or pictures of yourself as you lose weight, it's all right there, in the convenient set-up of most blogs you read.

I've been out in for almost a month now, and the muscle game is getting pretty serious. RunFatBoy comes highly recommended.

1 comment:

aantix said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm glad that RunFatBoy has helped. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Creator of

P.S. Eric B and Rakim's "Microphone Fiend" is the greatest track of all time. 19 years later and I finally appreciate how Rakim's lyrical delivery was ahead of its time.